Coaching Managers and Executives

An executive leader today must be a strategist, an architect and a psychologist. A strategist who provides a purpose and inspires. An architect who structures the business to deliver the strategy. A psychologist who adapts management to people and context.

Executives apply all their energy. The most powerful energy of change is when head, heart and hands work together.

The coach's role is to bring persons to empower themselves individually to achieve their objectives.

Examples of our work

Ensuring the successful transition of an executive from managing a subsidiary to directing a support function at headquarters: a radical change of identity, focus, and environment.

Developing the personal leadership and managerial skills of a young manager with strong career potential.

Crisis management: dealing with pressure and preventing burn-out.

Facilitating the professional transition of a senior executive in need of a personalized and confidential approach.

It's not surprising that conductors
live so long, because they
spend their time concerting their body,
emotion and thought.

Peter Brook