Bernard Soria

Real change begins with oneself…
From working on the message to working on persons: in-depth experience in communications relating to change led me to focus on change itself – in individuals, groups, and organizations.
This is a fine art that I have practiced for 15 years as a consultant and coach.

How many mergers have missed their objectives because of human factors? How many brilliant strategies have been shelved for lack of a collective drive around a shared vision? How do you unlock barriers so that executives and managers can apply their leadership skills?

Effective solutions require training and experience in organizational sociology, group dynamics, and the workings of individual motivation and accomplishment. My underlying belief in all these areas is that human development shapes the performance and future of a company.

Our Frameworks and Tools
Systemic Analysis

This is developed from the convergence of systems theory and communication theory. Change management relies on the ability of managers and executives to act on groups that constitute a company. Understanding the social dynamics of an organization and analyzing interpersonal relations enables managers to mobilize their strategy for change.

The Human Element®

A method developed by Will Schutz incorporating his theory on human interaction: it provides managers and executive leaders with techniques to learn about themselves and to understand and help their employees address important issues, such as performance reviews, job satisfaction, group dynamics, problem solving and decision making. It draws a link between self-esteem and productivity.

Emotionnal Intelligence

From the works of W.M. Marston to those of D. Goleman, emotions have received new focus in private and public life with the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI). Reinforcing the EI of managers and executives is a key to achieving the resonant leadership needed to deal with the multi-faceted challenges faced by businesses and organizations today.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI)

Derived from Jung's theories, it is one of the most widely used psychometric measurements today. It maps the spontaneous preferences of individuals along four major dichotomies. It is applied for the purposes of self-knowledge/fulfillment, as well as in work situations to help identify how different personality types may relate to their jobs, colleagues, and environments.

Process Communication Model® (PCM)

Authored by the American clinical psychologist Taibi Kahler, this methodology offers a means to diagnose and prevent distress on one hand, and it also provides a concrete model to effectively communicate with people based on defined personality types and motivations.

Our Clients

Our partnerships are built on trust and confidentiality. Our clients represent leading firms in a broad range of industries:

Media & Communication
Leisure & Entertainment
Consumer Retail
Luxury Goods
Real Estate & Construction

We perform advisories for our clients in France and Europe (London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Geneva) and in key cities of emerging countries (Shanghai, Moscow...). One-to-one coaching can also be delivered on the move anywhere in the world with new technology.
Our undivided dedication to our clients is what sets us apart in realizing successful change.


12 years in advertising & communications (FCA, Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising)
15 years of executive coaching and advisories (Storia com)


MBA-MSc Management (Diplôme HEC Paris)
Master of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Organizational Sciences


Coach & Team
Process Com coaching
Human Element
Success Insights
Member of the Société Française de Coaching

Nature, to be commanded,
must be obeyed.

Francis Bacon