Coaching Management Teams

In addition to promoting relations within a group, team coaching treats a team as an entity and focuses on all the components that impact its performance: issues at hand, working approaches, individual and collective behavior, beliefs and frames of reference. Because teams may change, providing continuity in support will produce an efficient operation sooner. At every step, coaching will be tailored to the issues at hand.

Coaching is performed over time to allow the gradual transformation of individual experts into a team that delivers performance.

For the same reason, seminars will usually require follow-through to ensure that insights and skills learned become permanent.

Examples of our work

Coaching an Executive Committee to modify their working approach and develop a collective intelligence process

Advising a Steering Committee in the development of a business plan

Assisting a CEO with the constitution of his executive team

Mobilizing Sales Managers on strategic objectives for new business

Being a leader changes everything.
Before you are a leader,
success is all about you…
When you become a leader, success
is all about growing others.

Jack Welsh